Today i come across one OTN thread and learn about dbms_utility. dependency plsql package.
with this package we can check the objects dependency on another objects.
SQL} create table TEST
2 (col varchar2(10));
Table created.
SQL} create or replace procedure PR_TEST is
2 i number;
3 begin
4 select count(*) into i from test;
5 dbms_output.put_line(to_char(i));
6 end;
7 /
Procedure created.
SQL} set serveroutput on
SQL} exec dbms_utility.get_dependency('TABLE','TAJ','TEST');
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
There are other subprogram are listed below of dbms_utility plsql package.
Table 141-3 DBMS_UTILITY Package Subprograms
Subprogram | Description |
ACTIVE_INSTANCES Procedure | Returns the active instance |
ANALYZE_DATABASE Procedure | Analyzes all the tables, clusters and indexes in a database |
ANALYZE_PART_OBJECT Procedure | Analyzes the given tables and indexes |
ANALYZE_SCHEMA Procedure | Analyzes all the tables, clusters and indexes in a schema |
CANONICALIZE Procedure | Canonicalizes a given string |
COMMA_TO_TABLE Procedures | Converts a comma-delimited list of names into a PL/SQL table of names |
COMPILE_SCHEMA Procedure | Compiles all procedures, functions, packages, views and triggers in the specified schema |
CREATE_ALTER_TYPE_ERROR_TABLE Procedure | Creates an error table to be used in the EXCEPTION clause of the ALTER TYPE statement |
CURRENT_INSTANCE Function | Returns the current connected instance number |
DATA_BLOCK_ADDRESS_BLOCK Function | Gets the block number part of a data block address |
DATA_BLOCK_ADDRESS_FILE Function | Gets the file number part of a data block address |
DB_VERSION Procedure | Returns version information for the database |
EXEC_DDL_STATEMENT Procedure | Executes the DDL statement in parse_string |
FORMAT_CALL_STACK Function | Formats the current call stack |
FORMAT_ERROR_BACKTRACE Function | Formats the backtrace from the point of the current error to the exception handler where the error has been caught |
FORMAT_ERROR_STACK Function | Formats the current error stack |
GET_CPU_TIME Function | Returns the current CPU time in 100th's of a second |
GET_DEPENDENCY Procedure | Shows the dependencies on the object passed in. |
GET_HASH_VALUE Function | Computes a hash value for the given string |
GET_PARAMETER_VALUE Function | Gets the value of specified init.ora parameter |
GET_TIME Function | Finds out the current time in 100th's of a second |
INVALIDATE Procedure | Invalidates a database object and (optionally) modifies its PL/SQL compiler parameter settings |
IS_CLUSTER_DATABASE Function | Finds out if this database is running in cluster database mode |
MAKE_DATA_BLOCK_ADDRESS Function | Creates a data block address given a file number and a block number |
NAME_RESOLVE Procedure | Resolves the given name |
NAME_TOKENIZE Procedure | Calls the parser to parse the given name |
OLD_CURRENT_SCHEMA Function | Returns the session value that was returned by SYS_CONTEXT ('USERENV ', 'CURRENT_SCHEMA ') |
OLD_CURRENT_USER Function | Returns the session value that was returned by SYS_CONTEXT ('USERENV ', 'CURRENT_USER ') |
PORT_STRING Function | Returns a string that uniquely identifies the version of Oracle and the operating system |
SQLID_TO_SQLHASH Function | Converts a SQL ID into a hash value |
TABLE_TO_COMMA Procedures | Converts a PL/SQL table of names into a comma-delimited list of names |
VALIDATE Procedure | Makes invalid database objects valid |
find more info : dbms_utility
hai taj,
thanks for the tip.
Thanks Anuradha for kind comments.
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