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Wednesday, September 14, 2011

OBIEE 11G: RCU (Repository Creation Utility) Installation

Windows 32bit XP , installation of Repository creation utility for OBIEE 11g.
Download Repository creation utility from OTN
Repository Creation Utility (OBIEE 11G)

1. First verify the hardware and software requirement
2. Create SCHEMA for OBIEE through RCU (repository creation utility) 
NOTE: Make sure you have Oracle Database available (you need to do separate installation of oracle database)

3. Once repository creation is completed then install OBIEE 11g

Important Instruction
1. Don't keep the same password as schema (username)., during the installation of RCU (repository creation utility) system will ask for the password of OBI user then don't give same password as schema name.

2. Make sure you don't have any space in the path of "rcu.bat" file.
eg: c:\documents and setting\rcuhome\bin\rcu.bat" will throw error because "documents and settings" have space.

Unzip directory
Run /rcuhome/bin/rcu.bat file to install repository.

 Hostname is a server name where oracle database is installed.
Port is default 1521 (listener)
Service name: oracle instance name 
I selected Oracle Business Intelligence components


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