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Monday, September 12, 2011

SEVERE: Password file may be missing or configured incorrectly. Oracle 10gr2

When i was configure oracle enterprise manager then received following error.
-bash-3.00$ emca -config dbcontrol db

STARTED EMCA at Sep 12, 2011 3:46:52 PM
EM Configuration Assistant, Version Production
Copyright (c) 2003, 2009, Oracle.  All rights reserved.

Enter the following information:
Database SID: orcl
Listener port number: 1521
Password for SYS user:
Password for DBSNMP user:
Password for SYSMAN user:
Password for SYSMAN user: Email address for notifications (optional):
Outgoing Mail (SMTP) server for notifications (optional):

You have specified the following settings

Database ORACLE_HOME ................ /db/app/oracle/Db_1

Local hostname ................ spioradev.dummy.local
Listener port number ................ 1521
Database SID ................ orcl
Email address for notifications ...............
Outgoing Mail (SMTP) server for notifications ...............

Do you wish to continue? [yes(Y)/no(N)]: y
Sep 12, 2011 3:47:12 PM oracle.sysman.emcp.EMConfig perform
INFO: This operation is being logged at /db/app/oracle/Db_1/cfgtoollogs/emca/orcl/emca_2011-09-12_03-46-52-PM.log.
Sep 12, 2011 3:47:14 PM oracle.sysman.emcp.EMConfig perform
SEVERE: Password file may be missing or configured incorrectly.
Refer to the log file at /db/app/oracle/Db_1/cfgtoollogs/emca/orcl/emca_2011-09-12_03-46-52-PM.log for more details.
Could not complete the configuration. Refer to the log file at /db/app/oracle/Db_1/cfgtoollogs/emca/orcl/emca_2011-09-12_03-46-52-PM.log for more details.

Reason: password file is missing or incorrectly configured.
Password file located under $ORACLE_HOME /dbs directory
File name: orapw$ORACLE_SID

Solution: Recreate password file

-bash-3.00$ orapwd file=orapworcl entries=10

Enter password for SYS: ...enter sys password here...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Also keep in mind that the naming format is important:

UNIX and Linux
Format: orapwORACLE_SID
Location: ORACLE_HOME/dbs

Location: ORACLE_HOME\database