How To Retrieve Rows From Table Or Synonym For An ORG_ID In E-Business Suite 12
In, Org Specific Views are used to filter rows with a specific ORG_ID.
For example
In SQL*Plus:
exec dbms_application_info.set_client_info('&ORG_ID');
In SQL Developer or Toad:
In R12, Views are no longer used. Instead, Synonyms together with Security Policy are used to return rows for a single operating unit.
The following provide the steps to retrieve Org Specific rows from a Synonym. In R12, mo_global.set_policy_context is used instead of dbms_application_info.set_client_info which is used in
To filter rows from synonym using org_id:
exec mo_global.set_policy_context('S', &org_id);
Toad and SQL Developer
mo_global.set_policy_context('S', &org_id);
Example in SQL*Plus
As an example, run the following first to see how many org_ids are being used in Incentive Compensation
select org_id, count(*)
from cn_commission_headers_all
group by org_id;
Results in:
---------- ----------
1733 6
204 2340
So we can see that two row are returned. Let's take org_id 204 and run:
exec mo_global.set_policy_context('S',204);
This sets org_id as the organization we will be looking into. Run the following:
select org_id, count(*)
from cn_commission_headers
group by org_id;
Results in:
---------- ----------
204 2340
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